
16 May 2013

Superstars Championship 2011

Solaria Energy was a sponsor of the Superstars Series 2011, one of the most spectacular and followed tourism international categories. …»

16 May 2013

Solar Expò Fair Verona 05/2012

The 13th edition of Solar Expò took place at Verona Fair  from 9 to 11 May 2012. It is an …»

16 May 2013

Solaria Energy Zero Emission Rome Party of 15/09/2011

Together with the Zero Emission Rome 2011, Solaria Energy organized a party at “Spazio 900” during which  It was pleased …»

16 May 2013

Zero Emission Fair Rome 09/2011

The exhibition Zero Emission Rome took place from 14 to 16 September 2011. It had record numbers: five pavilions, one …»

16 May 2013

Solar Expò Fair Verona 05/2011

Together with the Zero Emission Rome 2011, Solaria Energy organized a party at “Spazio 900” during which  It was pleased …»

16 May 2013

“Fronius Service Partner” 11/2012

On 21 and 22 November, the Fronius Service Partner course took place at Solaria Energy offices, in Rome. This course, …»

16 May 2013

Japan Amerisolar Opening Cerimony

Last  25 January 2013, the opening ceremony of the Japanese branch Amerisolar took place in Okinawa, Japan.Solaria Energy had the …»

16 May 2013

Publications about Solaria Energy

In this album you will be able to find some articles / advertising on Solaria Energy published in PV market …»

16 May 2013

Bosch Day 20/03/2013

Training course held in Rome in partnership with Bosch. During this event, all the installers have come into direct contact …»